Thursday, August 16, 2007

Is it time to break up BC?

Since the Electoral Boundaries Commission Report came out I have been thinking about the situation in BC and how rural BC is losing more and more influence.

The nothern 2/3s of the province produce much of the wealth of BC but will now have less MLAs than Surrey. The ability to make decisions about the land in the North will be in the hands of people from the urban south. The time is coming for a major change. Time for the north to separate.

If one were to create a Northern BC province from Clinton north, then the population would be in control again over their lands and destiny.

  • This new Northern BC would have a population of about 260 000.
  • It would be the single biggest producer of lumber in Canada.
  • It would be a major oil and gas producer
  • It would be able to focus on the development of Prince Rupert as a real alternative to Vancouver
  • It will be a major coal producer
  • Also a major source of metals, both precious and base
  • Also a source of a lot of hydro power.
  • It could develop the transportation links to Yukon and Alaska

I think the case is there for the creation of this new province.

This new province would also get 4 senators and 4 MPs, up from 0 Senators and 3 MPs

At the moment it would be the 10th largest province with respect to population, but about 15 years it will have passed Newfoundland and Labradour in population and could catch New Brunswick in just over a generation.

It would

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